Commercial Pest Control Auckland

Home or Cottage, We Have You Covered

With Pestwise NZ Home Protection Program, you will be as close to pest-free living as you can get. Pestwise NZ has been serving our customers and continues to lead the way in safe, effective pest management.

Proactive Preventive Maintenance

Pestwise NZ offers complete pest control services to business and commercial facilities in Auckland. With a fully licensed service team, We offer pest control services in every type of special environment - from Food warehouses, Schools and Hospitals to Airports and Storage warehouses.

Commercial Pest Control Auckland
Pestwise Quick fix Plan
Pestwise NZ

Under Quick Fix plan we offer one off treatments to get rid of pests in domestic as well as commercial situations under our Quick Fix Plan. This includes treatments like rodent control three visit treatments , flying insects control treatments , cockroach , ants or other flying or crawling insects control treatments , preventative treatments etc.

Pestwise Pro Active Plan
Pestwise NZ

Pestwise proactive plan is a program mainly features Preventive Pest Control services and a systematic reporting system. All activities and reports required by New Zealand Food Safety standards certifications and other accreditations are documented in the Pestwise NZ folder. The main pests covered are: Rats, cockroaches, household ants and filth flies.

Pestwise NZ
Standard service features include:
  • Minimum of eight site visits per year from dedicated Service Technician
  • Minimum of one site visit per year from a Quality Assurance Auditor
  • Detailed site plan showing all pest monitoring and elimination points
  • Free surveys and quotes if your requirements change
  • Compliance with applicable legislation
  • Pest Sighting Log Book
  • Free callouts
Pestwise All Year Active Plan
Pestwise NZ

Pests cause risks to all businesses. Sign up for Pestwise NZ’s popular All Year Active plan and start enjoying the reassurance that only regular monitoring and consistent quality service can bring. Our qualified Service Technicians will get to know your business (they will already have experience of similar operations) and carry out regular site visits through the year. They'll identify and eliminate all pest risks long before these pose any significant threat. The plan will be tailor-made to suit your needs & every service visit will be supported with detailed reports that include observations, notes of treatment and recommended action.

Pestwise NZ Home Protection Plan
Pestwise NZ

With Pestwise NZ Home Protection Program, you will be as close to pest-free living as you can get. We offer need based monitoring & control plans for your home which includes ongoing control programmes for Rodents , Flies & Spiders or insect monitoring as well as one off treatments for cockroaches , fleas or pantry pests etc.

Treatment Recommendations

Pre-treatment Recommendations
  • Please ensure food , clothes , toys , toothbrushes , bedding , towels, Pet bowls , fish pots , cooking utensils, electronics & barbeques etc are covered or removed from the areas to be treated.
  • Vacuum floor areas thoroughly prior to the treatment. If the carpets are due for cleaning do it prior to the pest control treatment.
  • Relocate pets during the treatment until the pesticide is dry.
  • Ensure all windows & doors are closed if the pesticide is to be applied outdoors.
  • Vacate the premises while the pesticide is mixed & applied and until the pesticide is dry. Four hours is generally recommended but we will recommend the appropriate time, based on the specific treatment used.
  • If someone has asthma or any allergies, please inform us prior to the pest control treatment.
  • Advise your neighbours in advance for any exterior pesticide treatments.
Post Treatment Recommendations
  • Ventilate the premises by opening the doors & windows , for a few hours when you return if the pesticide is applied indoors .
  • Ensure that all the bench tops and kitchen utensils are thoroughly cleaned before any food is prepared.
  • Avoid vacuuming carpets for 10- 14 days after the treatment in case of fleas treatments to help to cut down breeding cycle.
  • Ensure all windows & doors are closed if the pesticide is to be applied outdoors.
  • Please feel free to contact us at any point of time.

Guidelines To Prevent Pests

It's possible to stop common household pests before they come into your home or office. Do what you can to make your building as unattractive as possible for them, and you might avoid pest problems entirely.

  • Before bring plants, grocery bags and soft drink containers into the house, inspect for bugs that may be hiding in them.
  • Keep garbage pails, floors and the kitchen clean.
  • If you have a pet, take up its food dish at night and wipe up any food spills.
  • Most pests need water. Fix leaky faucets and pipes and keep drains unclogged.
  • Pay Special attention to paper products and food containers that you're storing for recycling, they're particularly tempting to insects and rodents.
  • Store firewood outdoors, away from the house and off the ground. Shake off the logs before you bring them into the house.
  • Inspect your home for possible entry points. Caulk or screen areas to seal openings around windows, door frames and pipes. Fill cracks and holes in the foundation of your home.
  • Trim tree limbs so they don't touch or hang over the house. Trim bushes and shrubs back and away from the house so they don't become a hiding place.
  • Use yellow coloured light bulbs for porch lights, and other outdoor lighting.